The World Dodgeball Association is the Official World Governing Body of Dodgeball, working as a not for profit social enterprise across 6 continents in partnership with 62 national federations delivering to over 70 million people worldwide. By 2024 we will be delivering across 70 nations to over 90 million participants.
We are growing sustained participation at grassroots, competitive and high performance levels within the sport in partnership with our National and Continental Federations.
On Tuesday 22nd October 2013 the World Dodgeball Association was established through the amalgamation of three continental bodies under one World Council. Since 2013 the Africa Dodgeball Federation has emerged and therefore the continental bodies represent Africa, America, Asia-Pacific and Europe regions.
WDA Board

Tom Hickson

HRH Prince Saud
Vice President

Ed Prentiss
Americas Ambassador

Chris White
Asia-Pacific Ambassador

Amr Moheb
Africa Ambassador

Sari Singer
Board Member

Michelle Di Fabio
Board Member

Hany Nabil
International Strategic Director

Emmanuel Robin Tan
National Federations Director

Marco Tomasini
International Strategic Director
“In a multitude of sporting organisations we will aspire to be something different. We will be THE most exciting, attractive, responsive and supportive world sporting organisation”
“We want to achieve something straightforward. We want more. More players, more places played, more involvement, more fun ... more Dodgeball!”
The statement above reflects how unique Dodgeball is and how powerful the sport will be once we have spread across more continents, more nations and more local communities.
We will be guided in all we do by the following principles:
Inclusivity, Integrity, Innovation, Collaboration, Support and Fun!
The World Dodgeball Association works in partnership a select number of strategic stakeholder partners that complement the progression of core business growth. Examples core business growth in include; growth in participation of the Sport, new national federation developments and major events etc.
Below are current stakeholder partners of the World Dodgeball Association;
National & Continental Federations
National and Continental Federations work in partnership with the World Dodgeball Association on all aspects of Dodgeball development.
Strength to Strength
Strength to Strength deliver a Young Ambassadors Program (YAP) that brings together young people ages 14-20 who lost either a parent or immediate family member in a terrorist attack or were injured themselves. The participants spend a week together in New York City and come from various countries including Argentina, Algeria, England, France, Israel, Kenya, Northern Ireland, Spain, Uganda, and the United States. The goal of the trip is to ensure a week filled with exciting and fun activities combined with meetings with political and community leaders in order to empower these young people to take their personal experiences of trauma and share them with each other in order to bring about healing. The World Dodgeball Association have recently launched a new Global Dodgeball for Development and Peace program that unites people in the face of adversity.