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How many people can play?

Dodgeball is played between two teams with six players on each team and up to six substitutes.


How do you win?

The objective of dodgeball is to eliminate all player's on the other team to score points. Teams will score a point for each set they win. At the end of the match, the team with the most points is the winner.


How long does a dodgeball match last?

A dodgeball match is played over two 15 minute halves, with a 5 minute half-time break in between. A match is made up of an indeterminate number of sets; where teams will try to eliminate the other team to score a point. Each set ends when either a team has been completely eliminated or after 3 minutes. If a set lasts 3 minutes, the team with the most players left scores a point. In the case of a tie, both teams are awarded a point.


How does a dodgeball match start?

At the start of each set, all players line up behind their team's back line and five balls are placed along the centre line. When the referee blows the whistle,  players run to the centre of the court to retrieve the balls. This is called the rush. A maximum of 3 players are allowed to rush but may only take the balls designated to their team (on the left) and the ball in the centre, which is open for both teams to retrieve. A ball can only be thrown once it crosses over the team's attack line. Once a ball crosses the attack line, it is in play for the rest of the set.


How are players eliminated?

A player is eliminated in one of a number of ways:

  • A ball is thrown and hits an opposition player anywhere on their body.

  • A thrown ball is caught by an opposition player - the opposition team also gets a player back.

  • A player crosses over the opposition neutral zone line.


What does a dodgeball court look like?



Young Leader Award

The Young Leaders Award is for young people aged 14-16 years old to gain an introductory insight into coach education and referee education. This qualification will enable a young leader to lead on specific activities within a coaching session or competition under the supervision of a qualified coach, referee or teacher. The duration of this course is one full day or 8 hours of practical and theoretical study.


Teachers Award

The Teachers Award is aimed at educational professionals within schools, colleges and universities that wish to undertake the accredited qualification to teach curricular, extracurricular and education based club activity. The duration of this course is one full day or 8 hours of practical and theoretical study.


Assistant Coach Course

The Assistant Coach Course is designed to provide new coaches with an insight into coaching the Sport. This qualification will enable an Assistant Coach to lead specific exercises at any level under the supervision of a Head Coach or Master Coach. The duration of this course is 1 full day or 8 hours of practical and theoretical study.


Head Coach Course

The Head Coach Course is for existing coaching staff or teachers who have a minimum of two years Dodgeball Coaching experience. This qualification will enable a Head Coach to lead sessions within grassroots and competitive environments up to junior international level. The duration of this course is 1.5 days or 12 hours of practical and theoretical study.


Master Coach Course

The Master Coach Course is designed for Senior Adult International Coaching Staff who are leading High Performance programs for national federations. This qualification is the highest recognised coaching qualification within the Sport. The duration of this course is 2 days or 16 hours of practical and theoretical study.


Tutor Award (Coach)

The Tutor Course is for coaching staff that have experience in managing and advising assistant and/or young leaders for a minimum of 2 years to gain a qualification that will enable the delivery of Young Leader, Teachers Award, Assistant Coach Course and Head Coach Course qualifications. The duration of this course is a maximum of 2 days or 16 hours of practical and theoretical study.




Assistant Referee Course

The Assistant Referee Course is designed for new referees who would like to officiate within competitive Dodgeball for the first time. This qualification enables an assistant referee to line judge during competitive Dodgeball. The duration of this course is a maximum of 0.75 of 1 day or 6 hours of practical and theoretical study.


Head Referee

The Head Referee Course is for experienced referees who have the potential to Head Referee at competitive and international high performance levels. The qualification enables a Head Referee to officiate matches up to World Cup international standard. Dodgeball. The duration of this course is a maximum of 1 day or 8 hours of practical and theoretical study.


Tutor Award (Referee)

The Tutor Course is for referees that have experience in managing and advising assistant and/or fellow Head Referees for a minimum of 2 years to gain a qualification that will enable the delivery of the Assistant Referee Course and Head Referee Course qualifications. The duration of this course is a maximum of 1 day or 16 hours of practical and theoretical study.


World Dodgeball Association Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 08918471

The registered address is World Dodgeball Association, Sport City, Gate 13, Rowsley St, Manchester, M11 3FF, United Kingdom


© Copyright 2018 World Dodgeball Association Ltd | All Rights Reserved

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