Hi Everyone,
This is my second blog of Tom’s Travel's as we head to New York for the Dodgeball World Cup 2018. As you can see from above, we are already in Madison Square Garden - the World Cup ads are running in location!
Following last weeks Coach Education Review we are now planning to deliver the first Master Coach Course by 2019. The course is for current International Coaching Staff and highly experienced National Domestic League Coaching Staff that are on the verge of becoming an International Coach. In addition we will be scaling up our Assistant and Head Coach Course program in partnership with our Continental and National Federations.
Speaking of our National Federations I’m sure that many of you were delighted with the news of Dodgeball Federation Australia (DFA) successfully obtaining Australia Sports Commission recognition, this is a huge achievement that is fully deserved. Therefore I would like to congratulate the DFA Team for their amazing work especially Robert Di Fabio, Chris White and Michelle Di Fabio who have been instrumental in securing recognition. In addition to the DFA I would also like to congratulate Kim Reiki and the Team from the Bulgaria Dodgeball Federation who have also recently secured recognition from Ministry of Youth Sport. Kim has also worked tirelessly on achieving recognition to support the continuous growth of the Sport across Bulgaria. As many of you are aware I am also working with many National Federations on an ongoing basis who are well advanced within in the recognition process or are at the beginning of this journey. I hope both success stories in Australia and Bulgaria inspire your National Federation to achieve recognition for the greater good of your country and our Sport.
Below are some of the images from when Robert and Michelle from the DFC met Mark (Croston of the WDA). Also in the pictures is Chris White, Asia Pacific Ambassador and member of the DFA Board. Chris, Robert and Mark toured the Olympic Park, Melbourne late last year.
Finally I am working closely with our colleagues to complete the bidding processes for the 2019 Asia Pacific Championships and the America’s Cup along with the new process for the 2020 and 2022 World Cup’s. We are taking a number of very exciting steps forward to ensure that host cities are able to deliver World Class Events that best represent our Sport.
If your National Federation requires any support on the matters within this weeks blog then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Best Wishes