Hi Everyone,
This is my 5th Week of Tom's Travels. A quick look at our Countdown clock says (as of writing this) it's just 42 days until the Dodgeball World Cup 2018! My journey to this event started straight after the last World Cup in Manchester... and that seems a lifetime away.
During this week's edition I would like begin by providing an insight into how the World Dodgeball Association is governed and global structure of the World Dodgeball Community. As many people are aware the World Dodgeball Association is one of very few international sports federations that operate as a social enterprise which means that we driven by a social mission which is essentially to grow participation within the Sport and secondly we reinvest all financial surpluses into the Sport and finally are controlled in the interests of our social mission.
Within the World Dodgeball Association one of my roles is to lead the World Council and General Assembly, the World Council comprises continental ambassadors that represent our four affiliated continental governing bodies across the Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific and European Regions. Along with myself each of the respective continental ambassador connects with each of the 62 national federations who represent the General Assembly. The General Assembly takes place once per year to provide information about the previous years activities and to shape the future of Dodgeball.
Back on to the weekly Dodgeball World Cup 2018 update we are just 6 weeks away until the competitions begin and World Champions will be crowned. We still require everyone's support to back your Nations by coming to spectate at the Dodgeball World Cup 2018 or to inspire others to attend and create the greatest multi cultural atmosphere at Madison Square Garden. To this end, please share the event socially as much as you can. Use the links available from our official:
The Dodgeball community is huge, worldwide, so we're calling on you all to help us to fill a stadium with the best atmosphere we can for the best event we can deliver.
Best Regards