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Tom's Travel's: The Road to NY 4

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Hi Everyone,

This is my 4th blog of Tom’s Travels. I hope you're enjoying a peek into my hectic schedule on the road to #DWC18!

Over the past week I have been preparing a proposal for a new Global Partnership with a very well known Charity that is based in UK and delivers a huge amount of amazing work across the World working with predominantly Children and Young People from seriously deprived backgrounds. I believe Dodgeball has a very important role to play when providing access to Children and Young People across the World from socially deprived backgrounds, as in most cases there is no access to Sport, therefore by teaching communities how to participate within the World’s most accessible Sport; Dodgeball provides an immediate positive impact. This partnership relates to wider new initiative which is focussed on “Teaching the World to Play Dodgeball”.

dodgeball at madison square garden
Iconic venue meets amazing sport.

On the road to the Dodgeball World Cup 2018 we have been exploring new marketing partnerships based in New York City to provide a greater local awareness of what our event represents for the city and for the local Sports fans. Visibility of what we deliver is not only about the Dodgeball World Cup as a stand alone event, it is also about local impact that we have in regards to inspiring increased and sustained participation within Dodgeball locally. 

dodgeball fans
Get the fans ready - we're coming to New York!

Finally we will be working with our World Cup & World Invitational National Federations across the coming week to carry out some partnership work with National Consulates which will support the great work that each of you are undertaking on the final road to New York City.

Best Regards 



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